You want your business to not only survive, but scale and THRIVE.
I’m here to help you bust through the conditioning that’s held you back, body and mind, so scaling your biz to its highest expression feels easeful, wholesome, and totally normal.
A newsletter you might actually want to read?! Okay.
First of all — I’m Melanie, founder of The BODY Cure, and everything you’ll find here serves one powerful purpose: separate your business from your baggage (so it’s not stopping you short of growth left and right), and help you FEEL safe stepping into what it takes to grow your business to its next level of success. Step 1’s easy: join the newsletter—where I share personal insights as an entrepreneur with baggage to boot I’ve had to overcome to run my business, as well as the odd photo of an artichoke growing in the orchard of the little corner of Italy I call home. I actually think you’ll love it.
You’ve gotten this far, but…
Is the energy you’re pouring into your business translating to the results you want?
If you hustled your way to a biz that pays the bills, but a) scaling it to it’s next level up feels like biking uphill in the wrong gear, and b) the strategy and mindset that got you here aren’t translating to what you really want: a business and income that feel supportive of YOU and how you want to live, I’m sure you need to hear this:
You can absolutely scale your business to the level you envision without burnout, self-doubt, or feeling like it’s a riddle you can’t solve.
But you've got to tackle the real reason you’re not there yet — one that’s much more common than you might think.
I want to acknowledge that you’ve probably heard that before and, truth be told, it always comes down to finding what’s holding YOU back, not a one-size fits all answer.
Here’s what I’ve found to be true:
For some of us, limiting conditioning (and its hold over our beliefs, emotional reactions, and sense of “how things work” and what’s possible for us) is just a little stronger, requires focused attention to unravel, and really is the linchpin to realising our vision for our businesses and lives.
And if that’s what’s behind your plateau, there’s no doubt in my mind that addressing it can take you from patchy results, overexertion, and confusion at what the hell else you can do for your businesses to scale, thrive, and finally feel supportive of you (not just the other way around), to making that your normal without it costing you your sanity, nervous system, or first-born (only kidding).
If you’re here, chances are you already have what it takes to scale your business past the 6 figure mark—truly, hand to heart.
But here’s the thing: if you’ve poured your energy into scaling your biz and you’re still not seeing the results you want, or feeling the sense of spaciousness and support you envisioned for yourself, it’s likely not because of a lack of effort, talent, or drive.
It’s conditioning. The kind you didn’t choose but learned early on—patterns designed to keep you safe as a kid that now limit you in ways you may not even realise. This can unfold a little like:
Your genuine needs weren’t validated then. Now you don’t trust in support so you do everything yourself, and micromanage what you (try to) delegate.
You learned to bite your tongue to keep the peace. Now setting a boundary or stating a personal preference feels like walking on LEGOS barefoot, trapping you in people-pleasing dynamics with team and clients.
You learned confidence meant being brought down a peg. Now self-promotion feels like making yourself a target for criticism and rejection, holding you back from the forward facing marketing that would naturally boost your results (or making it feel like torture).
This kind of conditioning runs deep. It lives in your body, shapes your mindset, and creates invisible barriers to making great money doing what you love, and building the life you want for yourself.
And you’re not alone in this.
Lots of women know what to do. They’ve got a valuable product, have put in the time, followed coaches’ advice, trained, strategised, and done everything they’ve been told should work to get their businesses to scale (I should know! I was one of them). But if the results still aren’t showing up, it’s because none of the knowhow, assets, willingness, or talent stand a chance if conditioning and limiting patterns underneath it all keep calling the shots.
If this hits home and you see yourself reflected in it, then this work is for you.
It’s brilliant, focused, and grounded. You won’t be the same woman on the other side of it as when you began, and you won’t find a partner as tuned into your patterns, as resourced in helping you break them, or as invested in your vision for your business, income, and life you desire. I’m your person and I’ve totally got you.
Ok, so you want your business to not only survive, but scale and THRIVE, yes?
Well, if you’re in the pickle I just described, the reality is most of your effort’s been you trying to navigate the tension created by your limiting conditioning.
Which as it happens gets even louder when you decide you want more.
This traps you in double binds like knowing what to do but not feeling good enough to do it yet, wanting to scale your income but feeling conflicted about charging premium rates, and believing in your message/offering/idea but second-guessing yourself every time you’re about to put it out there.
All that mental and emotional back-and-forth can feel like you’re working, but all you’re really doing is wearing yourself and your faith in your business out.
The instinct can then be to reach for more trainings, courses, retreats, tweaks to your website, vision boarding, and strategising which isn’t wrong per se. Trouble is it’s the deeper patterns that keep stopping you short of the handful of actions (like consistently promoting your work, selling what you offer, and following through with strategies instead of jumping from one thing to the next) that create results.
The real bummer? This cycle of “all pain- little gain” only reinforces the belief that you’re not cut out for big success, cause otherwise you’d be flying high.
But it’s not true — YOU are not the problem.
The reason you’re struggling to bring your business out of that plateau phase you can’t seem to break is patterns of smallness, self doubt, and approval seeking that got installed way back in the day are keeping you from jumping on what works for growth, and making it work for you.
Here's a promise:
As you rewire your body and mind to trust that breaking these rules isn't only safe but essential, the business and income that once felt out of reach will come to eye-level—clear and yours for the taking.
I'm here to help you into this powerful shift so you can finally feel supported by your business, and live the life you desire in a way that feels natural, fulfilling, and wholly yours.
Years of doing this work have taught me that what’s keeping you from the thriving biz and income you want isn’t your worth or ability.
It’s the outdated conditioning you learned to stay safe as a child.
Shifting this isn't forcing yourself into success. It’s uncovering those old patterns, understanding them with empathy, and building the trust and safety within your body and mind to let go of the guardrails that are no longer supporting your life and goals. That's where I come in.
I’ll guide you through this process, helping you release those limiting beliefs and emotional blocks, and step into a version of you that’s not only free to move forward but also deeply capable of creating the business and income you desire, without the struggle.