Want to be
with the 6+ on it’s way to 7 figure business?

Want to be “THAT GIRL”
with the 6+ on it’s way to 7 figure business?

Yea you do. I’m here to help you bust through the conditioning that’s kept your genius in the time-out corner, so scaling your biz and income to your heart’s content feels easy, wholesome, and totally normal.

Yea you do. I’m here to help you bust through the conditioning that’s kept your genius in the time-out corner, so scaling your biz and income to your heart’s content feels easy, wholesome, and totally normal.


Signup for my—Melanie Wilder—emails you’ll fucking LOVE and miss if you don’t get; here to help you separate your biz from your baggage, wave buhbye to upper limits, and unlock the You who grows her biz like it’s second nature.

Now keep reading

Ok, you got this far. BUT…

Is the energy you’ve poured into your business rolling in the CLIENTS, SALES, DOUGH?

If you’ve worked your tush off for a biz that’s treading water, and scaling it to where it actually supports the lifestyle you want feels like running on the beach in clogs, I’m sure you need to hear this:

You absolutely CAN grow your business + income to the level you envision — torture free. But (I’ll bet both my eyebrows on this) not the way you were conditioned to believe it’s done.

First let’s acknowledge that MAYBE “it’s your conditioning” doesn’t apply to you (nice to know ya), BUT here’s what’s also true:

For MANY OF of us, limiting conditioning we picked up in childhood — and the downer self-concepts that come with — makes it impossible to see our businesses clearly, not take EVERYTHING personally, show up consistently, feel A-OKAY charging what we want, and be so confident that WE’VE GOT THE GOODS that selling feels like a kindness to our people.

And if that’s what’s behind YOUR plateau?

Addressing it will take you from patchy results, desperation, and confusion at what the hell else you can do for your businesses start clicking, to a new normal where more clients, more money, and a business that supports YOU is the obvious outcome.

(All without it costing you your sanity, nervous system, or first-born).

We’ve already established you have what it takes to scale your biz well past the 6 figure mark — but conditioning’s a bitch that’s not letting you through.


The kind you didn’t choose but learned early on—patterns designed to keep you safe as a kid that now limit you in ways you don’t even realise. It goes like this:

  • Your genuine needs weren’t validated when you were little. Now you don’t trust in support so you do everything yourself, micromanage whatever you (try to) delegate and haemorrhage money on hires you end up having to babysit.

  • You learned to bite your tongue to keep the peace. Now setting a boundary or stating a preference feels like walking on LEGOS barefoot — so you lose all your flavour and full time sugarcoat, people-please, over-explain and overcompensate in your marketing, your team, and with clients. YIKES!

  • You learned confidence would get you brought down a peg (or 100). Now self-promotion feels on par with painting bullseyes on your boobs and running up and down 1st Ave—which keeps you from forward facing marketing that would naturally boost sales (or making you suck at it cause you’re hating it the whole time).

This kind of conditioning runs DEEP. It lives in your body, shapes your mindset, and creates invisible barriers to making great money doing what you love, and building the business and life you want for yourself.

And you’re far from alone in this.

Lots of women know what to do. They’ve got a valuable product, have put in the time, followed coaches’ advice, trained, strategised, and done everything they’ve been told should work to get their businesses to grow (I should know! I was one of them). And NOTHING. Newsflash: No amount of knowhow, assets, willingness, or talent stand a chance if the ways you learned to self limit keep calling the shots.

If this is hitting home, this is the work you HAVE TO DO before you throw another penny at your business.

You won’t be the same woman on the other side of it , and you won’t find a partner as tuned into your patterns, resourced in helping you break them, or invested in your vision for your business, income, and life than Yours Truly (you’re welome). I’m your person and I’m here to help you break stuff, so you can finally build what you want.

FYI: The voice of your conditioning

—“you can’t do it, nobody’s listening, tone it down, you’re not ready, you’re a fraud, ewe that’s SO cringe, you’re a greedy asshole, yada, yada, yada”—

ALWAYS gets louder when you decide you want more.

(Think of it as Newton’s fourth law)

It’s literally DESIGNED to do that. Its job is to maintain the status quo and keep you neatly tucked into what you know. So if you’ve been taking its cues and getting nowhere new, abundant, exciting, different… Womp, Womp— I hope this clears up why.

Letting your conditioning run you traps you in double binds like:

  • Knowing what to do but not feeling good enough to do it “yet” (ever).

  • Wanting to make way more money but feeling conflicted about charging premium rates.

  • Believing in your message/offering/idea but feeling so insecure it barely sees the light of day, and if it does and isn’t received with an instant round of applause, a gold medal, and a HUGE chunk of change, it goes back into hibernation.

All that mental and emotional back-and-forth is technically WORK, but not the kind that gets you clients, grows your business, or makes you the big bucks. All you’re really doing is wearing yourself (and your faith in your business) OUT.

The real bummer? This cycle of “all pain- little gain” only reinforces the belief that you’re not cut out for big success, cause otherwise you’d be flying high, right?

WRONG — YOU are not the problem.

AGAIN, the reason you’re struggling to bring your business out of that plateau phase you can’t seem to break is (say it with me) CON-DI-TIO-What?

That’s right —patterns of smallness, self doubt, and approval seeking that got installed WAY back in the day are keeping you from jumping on what grows your biz, gets you clients, and rolls in the dough. PERIOD.

Here's a promise:

As you rewire your body and mind to trust that breaking these rules isn't only SAFE but ESSENTIAL TO YOUR ACTUAL SAFETY AND STABILITY, the business and income that once felt out of reach will come to eye-level—clear and yours for the taking.

THAT’S where I come in, friend.

I’m here to pull you out of what keeps you stuck in your past, and help you access a “here and now” based way of being in your business, so you can make it WILDLY successful and lucrative, in a way that feels natural, fulfilling, and totally “YOU.”

Years of doing this work tell me that what’s keeping YOU from the thriving biz and big income you want isn’t your worth, luck, or ability.

It’s the outdated patterns you learned to stay safe as a child (I didn’t use the C word cause I know you’ve about had it).

Shifting this isn't forcing yourself into success. What even is that? Ewe.

NO. This is all about uncovering the patterns, understanding them with A TON of empathy, seeing right through their BS, and building the trust and safety to let go of guardrails that don’t support your life and goals. And if that’s what you know you need to do, JACKPOT. You’ve just found the BEST person on god’s green Earth to do guide you through it.

This is what I do best. I’ve been immersed in this work personally and professionally for EVER, and I’m here to help you into a version of you that’s unconfined (no more scaring yourself into a little corner), nimble, and ABLE to grow your business and income to your little heart’s content, COMPLETELY free from old ceilings you’ve been shrinking to accommodate.

Together, we’ll make scaling your success and wealth feel natural, sustainable, and (dare I say it) DELIGHTFUL. Which, as it happens, is the catalyst to more $green$ and greater impact with your work.

Ready to make THIS the turning point?